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Resilient Woman was honoured to be part of the just concluded 3-day Global Missions Conference held at Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

The conference themed Transformed for Wholistic Impact attracted many dynamic speakers all of them pointing to the theme of the day in different and unique ways. It was such a refreshing, rejuvenating, mind resetting and transforming experience.

As part of the commissioning, Dr.Florence Muindi, the Founder and President of Life in Abundance International concluded by sharing this what God was impressing in her heart about the recommissioning as follows;

The need to embrace partnerships, for the Global North and South to complete each, seek and steward spirit led partnerships and allow transformation to happen through us.

The need for strategy reset by individual organizations and ministries in the face of changing times as new wine cannot be contained in old wineskin.

And finally and not least, individual commitment to continuous transformation process to release the dormant potential within us because we were never meant to be catapillars but rather meant to fly to a place where our destinies are not compromised

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