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Trauma Healing
We address the deep emotional and psychological scars caused by imprisonment and difficult life circumstances. Our trauma-informed care provides counseling, therapy, and safe spaces for healing, helping individuals rediscover their sense of self-worth and resilience.
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Economic Empowerment
We provide formerly imprisoned women and girls with opportunities for sustainable livelihoods. Through skills training, entrepreneurship support, and job placement, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and dependency, empowering them to lead independent and productive lives.
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Breaking Generational Vulnerability
We work to disrupt the cycles of vulnerability and imprisonment that affect families across generations. By nurturing the children of incarcerated parents and offering them educational and developmental support, we aim to create a future where they can thrive, free from the challenges that impacted their parents.
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Sensitization and Awareness Creation
Our programs promote societal awareness around the challenges faced by formerly imprisoned individuals and their children. We conduct outreach, advocacy, and community programs aimed at reducing stigma, increasing empathy, and fostering a supportive environment for reintegration and growth.
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About Us

We reintegrate the formerly imprisoned women/girls and support children impacted by parental imprisonment and those living in difficult circumstances through trauma healing, economic empowerment, breaking generational vulnerability and sensitization and awareness creation

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal (Jer 30;17)

What we do

 We support the reintegration of formerly imprisoned women/girls and children living in difficult circumstances through trauma healing, economic empowerment, Education Lifeskills and Awareness creation.

Our Vision

We envision a safe society where women and girls overcome all barriers and live to their full potential.

Our Mission

To respond to the needs of the formerly imprisoned women/girls and children in difficult circumstances by awareness creation, training and mentorship through partnerships and collaborations


To Reduce the psycho-social and economic vulnerability and chances of re-offending of the formerly imprisoned women and girls.


Explore the heart of our mission through powerful images that tell the story of restoration, hope, and transformation.


Resilient Woman was honoured to be part of the just concluded 3-day Global Missions Conference held at Catholic University of Eastern Africa. The conference themed Transformed for Wholistic Impact attracted many dynamic speakers all of them pointing to the theme of the day in different and unique ways. It was such a refreshing, rejuvenating, mind resetting and transforming experience. As part of the commissioning, Dr.Florence Muindi, the Founder and President of Life in Abundance International concluded by sharing this what God was impressing in her heart about the recommissioning as follows;


How to get involved

We believe that everyone has a role in supporting formerly imprisoned women and children impacted by imprisonment. Your involvement can make a lasting difference in their lives and in breaking the cycles of trauma and vulnerability. Here are some ways you can join us in this transformative mission:


Volunteer your time, skills or support in kind


Donate to keep boys and girls in school


Sponsor a child for school Support a training workshop


Talk to people about our work

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Your donation has supported a total of 45 boys and girls by keeping them in school with 25 currently in the education program

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Nairobi, Nakuru, Kericho and Bomet counties with plans to expand to Machakos and Meru counties and in the medium and long term to other counties.

We work closely with correctional facilities including: – Langata Women’s prison, Kericho Medium Women's prison, Thika Women’s prison and Kamae Borstal Institution that hosts girls of between ages 15 to 18.

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Our Team

A short introduction to your team members and why their background should inspire potential clients’ confidence.

Jackson Siengo

Chairman of the Board

Loice Muriithi

Secretary of the Board

Cathrine Kalibo


Meshack Habib


Lucy Karambu

Founder and Executive Director